

The websites of the College, Municipal, Public Service, Teachers' and WorkSafeBC pension plans, and BC Pension Corporation (Pension Corporation) websites, are provided as a service to the members and participating employers of these pension plans. The following policies govern the operation and management of this website.


Content of this website

We make every effort to ensure that all data, information and results posted on our website are accurate and complete. However, if there is any discrepancy between the data, information and results posted on this website and the statutes, regulations and pension plan rules respecting pensions, the latter will apply. Data or information contained in or furnished by this website or the results obtained from the use of this website should not be used as a basis for making financial or any other commitments.

This website is subject to the following conditions

  1. The Board of Trustees of Municipal Pension Plan, and in its capacity as administrative agent of the relevant pension plan, Pension Corporation on behalf of itself and its directors, officers, employees and agents, disclaim any and all responsibility, including responsibility based on negligence or negligent misstatement, for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability or suitability for any particular purpose of the data or information contained in or furnished by this website or for the results obtained from the use of this website, and none of the foregoing makes any warranties, express or implied, with respect to such data, information or results.
  2. It is the responsibility of all persons who use this website to independently confirm the accuracy of the data, information or results obtained through its use and the suitability of the use of this website for any particular purpose. Such persons should contact Pension Corporation to obtain accurate data, information or results based on a detailed review of their personal pension file.
  3. Any person using this website does so at his or her own risk.
  4. Any person who uses this website shall indemnify, and shall release and save harmless, the Board of Trustees of Municipal Pension Plan, and in its capacity as administrative agent of the relevant pension plan, Pension Corporation, on behalf of itself and its directors, officers, employees and agents, in connection with any and all losses, damages, costs, actions, suits, debts, accounts, claims and demands which any of the foregoing may suffer or incur or be put to arising out of or in connection with the use of the data, information or results obtained through the use of the website by that person or by any third party who was provided such data, information or results by that person.

Pension Estimator

The information contained in and the results provided by this pension estimator are for the information of plan members and employers and are not intended to supply accurate legal or financial advice that can be relied upon to make retirement decisions. The College, Municipal, Public Service, Teachers', and Workers' Compensation Board pension plans and Pension Corporation offer the pension estimator for the convenience of plan members and employers, but accept no responsibility for errors, omissions, inaccurate or misleading statements obtained through its use.

References to other websites

References to other sites are provided as an information service only. Pension Corporation is not responsible for the suitability, completeness and accuracy of the materials that are found on these referenced sites.

Unauthorized changes prohibited

Unauthorized attempts to add, change or delete data, information or results from this website are prohibited and may be punishable under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Questions or concerns?

For more information about any of the policies described above, or to request permission to reproduce material from this website, please contact Pension Corporation at:

Pension Corporation
PO Box 9460
Victoria BC V8W 9V8